19 August 2009


"If seeing the number 13 makes you fear that something bad will happen, you may have triskaidekaphobia. If you can't even mutter the number 666, you could have hexakosioihexekontakexaphobia."

"The footballer, David Beckham (My Idol) is reportedly suffering from ataxophobia (fear of untidiness) and must organise his wardrobe according to colour. He also has the urge to count his clothes and organise his magazines in straight lines."

You know what?! I happen to have phobias too! First it's ataxophobia same with DB and another one is slight claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces). And I would like to clarify here it is NOT scotophobia (fear of darkness) as what Keanu Reeves suffering from. They are totally different. Check it out, what you fear of, you might have phobias too:

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