07 July 2010


Arg, Arg, arg~ You can't deny that you didn't ever published a post named as haphazard, arbitrary, randomness or whatsoever that you would like to call it as. I bet you do. With no exception, I do that too, and quite often I would say. I guess most of the peoples named their post as the titles which I mention above is because they have a number of trifles to share with, or perhaps some stuffs that they would like to bond/link them together and so do I.

Studies? Yeah start with something relevant to studies. Throughout the weeks, tonnes of never-ending assignments, lab reports and so forth are flowing like tranquil river. Due to the reason of I have already get used to it, thus, I would describe it as tranquil. Not really a tough job to me, but they require a lot of hard works though. Furthermore, imagine when your friends request to "BORROW" from you, in fact, they are actually "COPYING" and they obtain higher marks than you! Well, no worries, god knows how you will feel. Even a gawk comprehend that. I'm sure there are "better" words other than piss off. Darn it or f**k it?!

Besides that, I really can't wait to finish my final exams for this semester and head for the beach holiday in Thailand for a week with my besties! Aww.. Imagine 46days later, we will be doing... SNAP, gonna stop imagine, take a bath, glue myself on the chair and start doing my "ASS"ignmentsss...

Ciao, Bloggie and the Peerers out there~
Have a nice Wednesday night. Have it your way! ;-)

03 July 2010

An Embarrassing Day

Wassup, Snowman in KL yo! Yeah one of my bestie whity Loon is back from Indo. I meet him in newly-opened Kepong Village Mall (Tesco). While my younger bro and me were like "aunty" grabbing fresh baked breads (with discount somemore) with a gang of aunties and somebody tapped me at the back, I turned, and I saw him. In other words, he saw what I was doing at that time too. GOSH! LMAO! I was so embarrassing, perhaps he didn't notice that. Fine. When we were queuing up at the counter, what a coincident that he and his sis were queuing up at the next counter too! Ouh my.. Hmm...

On the other hand, most of my besties are back from oversea at the moment. Except Ren who still shopping crazily in the States. Yeah, congrats your gang (B.O.T) are going to back in one piece again, as what Cherish had said, which is true. No doubt, same thing goes to YG as well!

P/S: I bet this little post sure arouse Ren's homesickness. Am I right? *cough*